Sunday, October 26, 2014

Subtraction in Action!

We are knee-deep in subtraction with regrouping! It is definitely a challenging concept but I have been very impressed with the way the children have stuck with it and helped each other along the way. As we prepare for our upcoming test this week, the class was able to deepen their understanding of regrouping by 'teaching' each other. 
Check out our
fabulous second 
graders in action!

(2.NBT.B.7 - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.)

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Halloween in Room 210

Our Halloween celebration will be next Friday, October 31st at 11:15. Children are invited to bring their Halloween costumes to school (but please leave any additional props at home so they will not accidentally be left at school.) Be sure to label all belongings so they can be returned for your child's Trick-or-Treating adventures later that evening. Thank you in advance to the families who have agreed to donate healthy treats and supplies for our classroom celebrations. A very special thank you to our room mom for organizing what promises to be a fun-filled morning! 
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Sunday, October 19, 2014

What Makes You Different Makes You Special

We were so lucky to welcome Johnny the K to Steward School last week! He is an amazing performer who teaches kids through songs (and many hats!) how to have a positive attitude about themselves and others around them, be proud of their accomplishments, always do their best, and work together to help everyone feel included. He teaches such important and valuable life lessons in a fun and engaging way. Click the quote below to see a clip of Johnny the K performing one of his great songs!

Having a blast with Johnny the K!

Very cool meeting the man behind the hats.

A special poem just for us.

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Our butterflies are here!!

Our first butterfly!
Wow! We had quite an exciting Friday yesterday! Not only did we arrive at school in the morning to see that one chrysalis had already opened, but we actually got to witness the birth of NINE more butterflies - all before lunch time! The red dots you see are not blood, but a leftover fluid from metamorphosis. I took a few pictures but they really can't capture the beauty of these little creatures. Our painted lady butterflies are just amazing to look at, and we made many detailed observations in our journals about what we saw. We were able to see their wings change from being limp and shriveled when they hatched, to broad and colorful within the time span of only a few hours. Here are our pictures and some awesome videos that captured the excitement in the room when they were hatching. I love to hear how the kids cheered them on. :)

What did YOU learn from watching the butterfly's life cycle? What was your favorite thing to watch?

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