Thursday, March 5, 2015

Our Fables and Folk Tales Project is Complete!

It's finally here! Each child studied one particular fable or folk tale and completed an extensive book report on it. Then they chose a character from the story and took on the role of that character to tell you about their story. They did a fantastic job! We hope you enjoy!
**Second graders - be sure to leave a comment below with your thoughts about our awesome movie.** 
Mrs Mack's Fables and Folk Tales from Jennifer Mack on Vimeo.
RL2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
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  1. Dear Mrs. Mack
    My favorite part is when the character open up their mouth .

  2. It's hilarious! And Mrs. Mack is the best teacher in the world :)

  3. You are all so creative! Proud of you!
