Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Life cycle observations

We were so excited that our caterpillars arrived last week! By Monday several of them already transformed into chrysalides, and we have been watching the rest of them change right in front of our eyes. It has been fascinating to watch these little creatures change. Click here to watch the life cycle of the butterfly.

Our amazing caterpillars
How long do you predict it will take for our caterpillars to go though complete metamorphosis? Be sure to write your predictions. We will be checking back to see how accurately you predicted!

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Audubon Adventures!

Boy, did we luck out with the weather for our field trip! We had a wonderful field tip into the Audubon and found TONS of exciting creatures like crickets, spiders, salamanders, crickets, frogs, worms, crickets... and did I mention crickets?! We learned about complete and incomplete metamorphosis, how to tell a male from a female cricket, and what makes an insect an insect. This aligned perfectly with the MA science standards we have been focusing on (Recognize that plants and animals have life cycles, and that life cycles vary for different living things.) Thanks to all the parent volunteers who helped out today! We couldn't have done it without you! (*A special thanks to Mrs. F for all of the beautiful pictures!)

Catch of the day!
It's got 3 body segments and 6 legs - it's an insect!
Excellent observers.

Out in the field.

Loving seeing them close up.

Really cool grasshoppers.

A crab spider!

Can't wait to explore...

Awesome tree frog!

What was YOUR favorite part of the trip? What did you learn about insects?

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Parent Seminar last week! If you were unable to come, please don't hesitate to email or call me with any questions about the materials I sent home with your child.
We are off to a great start in Room 210! We have begun learning about insects and butterflies, and expect to receive our caterpillars this week. We will get to watch the life cycle of the butterfly over the next few weeks and eventually release them when they are ready. It is a wonderful hands-on activity that the children truly enjoy. We are all looking forward to our field trip into the Audubon this week! Fingers crossed that we get nice (dry) weather.
Pictures showing what we are up to every day will be posted soon once I have received all of the green blog permission slips back. Please be sure to return yours if you haven't yet. Thanks!
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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy night-before-school everyone!

I just wanted to share with you all two things.
First, here is a picture of me in second grade. Yes, I was little just like you once! I remember how nervous I was to start school every year, and I keep that in mind when planning our days together. We are going to have so much fun - I promise!
Mrs. Mack in second grade!
Second, I found this poster that perfectly sums up the way I envision our classroom. You will find it on our classroom door as well, but I wanted you to be able to see it here too.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow!
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