
There are several choices that your child can make to practice skills learned in the classroom. I strongly encourage you to visit any of these sites for additional practice.
RAZ Kids
Type to Learn 4 (let me know if you need a user name and password)
Spelling City
Math Playground - Thinking Blocks

Second graders will receive homework four nights per week. This should include their nightly assignment from school and at least 10 minutes of independent reading. Additionally, with the implementation of our math fact fluency and spelling programs, nightly practice of the facts/words and strategies taught each week are strongly recommended. It should not take more than five minutes. This will help your child tremendously when doing more complicated assignments. Finally, parents are encouraged to read aloud to their child each night. Thank you for checking your child's work before sending it back to school!

At the beginning of each new unit in Fundations and Math in Focus, we will be sending home a letter explaining what the children will be learning in that unit. The subsequent homework will be based upon skills being taught in those units.

Please do not hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions regarding your child's homework!