Monday, June 15, 2015

Author Share

What a fantastic day for our 2nd Grade Author Share! Thank you to all who came and supported the hard work of our students. It was incredible to view the progression of their writing from September until now and I am just so proud of all they have accomplished. It was wonderful to see Mrs. Mack here as well as she had such a huge part on the student's writing success this school year!


  1. Dear Mrs. Granth,
    I really liked the the Author Share because I got a lot of comments from teachers and parents. My Mom's favorite writing piece was my elf story. My favorite writing piece was the famous people report.

  2. I had so much fun seeing everyone and all of your hard work! You are SO ready for third grade! Enjoy these next two weeks and I'll see you before the last day!

  3. dear mrs granoth. my favorite thing about the author share was shareing my writeing with my dad it was so fun my favorite writeing piece was my perswasove writeing on why I want a dog

